Launch Your Website, Create Courses and Monetize as a Coder

Earn by spreading your knowledge
No Usage Fee
Built in India

How it Works

Launch your course

Promote it everywhere

Integrated online compiler in your website

Get Your Own Website with TeachCode


Create and Publish Courses

Teach any coding course on your own website with built in compiler

Post Videos, Coding Problems and more

Create a full course by adding coding problems, videos, documents and more

Track Analytics

Measure conversions right inside your dashboard with built-in easy to read analytics.

Loved by thousands of coders

Seamless experience with teachcode. I can teach all students about opensource easily.
Harkirat Singh
Youtuber, 100k+ subscribers
Must try for all tech founders who want to share their knowledge. Simply amazing.
Vyshnavi Mudumby
Founder at Superpage
I always wanted a simple-to-use platform to share my knowledge. Glad that teachcode has finally made it.
Anuj Gupta
YC-backed founder

Level up your creator journey